Sunday, November 30, 2008

Everyday Decomp - Final Cut

This final video shows the deterioration of nature and industry. In relation to my previous postings in this blog, I have taken objects and ideas from each video, as well as sticking to my production strategy. During the making of this video, I combined and used clips/stills utilizing camera angles, zoom ins and outs, using everyday objects and giving them new meaning, and working with the overall composition of the clips/stills.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sound Rough Cut 2

In this clip I further explored altering the photo's composition, and did a lot in editing the audio clips attached with the stills and movie clips creating a metronomic robotic feeling.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sound Rough Cut 1

In this clip I combined some photo editing techniques and some superimposition to create a somewhat confusing clip by means of two things happening at once. By doing this, I am using the different angles and perspectives I mentioned in my Production Strategy.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Silent Rough Cut 2

In this clip I am working with angles and offering a different viewpoint to the everyday things we see in our daily lives with extreme close-ups. I am connecting the two forms with the ideology that alterations can constantly be made to the living world around us without our knowing it.

Silent Rough Cut 1

In this clip, I am playing with juxtaposing the moving image to stills put in speratically throughout the one video clip. In addition, I am using zoom on the camera to play with the point of view of the shot. With the different speed of the still clips, I want to disorient the viewer with the different angles and shots of the same object.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Production Strategy

1. For my Drift 2 walk, I plan on exploring the area to the West of the UWM campus. In Drift 1 I explored the area to the East, and my hopes of going the complete opposite direction is that I will find minimal similarities, and many differences that characterize and make Drift 2 unique. 

2. My Drift 2 Strategy will involve flipping a penny. Whenever I get to an intersection, alley, etc... I will flip the coin (heads left, tails right) and follow the “Ways Of The Penny.”

3. I will limit my image-capturing activities in order to generate enough quality material with which to work by taking photos mainly of the unaware. What I mean by this is that I will not be taking photos of common everyday objects as a whole, but the bits and pieces of the object and nature that make them unique and one of a kind while adding a sense of dimension and angle through the positioning of the camera.

*I will generate still and moving imagery by altering camera angle/position, and using close-ups of objects.

Drift Two Map

View Larger Map

The Blue Markers indicate where I recorded my sounds, and the Yellow Markers indicate where I got video clips that I used in my Rough Sketches and Final Cut.